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Transit System Origin & Destination Survey

In February 2018, NWARPC contracted a qualified consultant firm to conduct an on-board transit survey consisting of a sample from all of the fixed routes of the two transit agencies operating in Northwest Arkansas. This survey will be used to better inform the trip origin and mode to transit stops for both transit systems and will serve a dual purpose of informing the Northwest Arkansas Travel Demand Model and a Transit Development Plan Update. The survey will also conduct select cross tabulated analysis of the data collected and prepare a report to summarize the findings and conclusions.

The System Wide Origin and Destination Survey  was completed in March 2018. During this period, interviewers with tablet computers asked randomly selected passengers questions about their transit trips. The final report and tabulated data of the survey can be found here. A summary presentation of the project and survey results can be found here.

For further details about how the survey was conducted and its intent, please refer to the frequently asked questions (FAQ) document here.